Fredericksburg Baptist Church: This Gothic Revival style church was built in 1855, and is the second largest church building in Fredericksburg. The building suffered extensive damage from artillery during the Civil War, and like many area churches, was used as a Federal field hospital. The building was repaired after the war, and the main building has remained essentially the same ever since. In 1990, the church bought the Victoria Theater on Caroline Street, and expanded the building until now it covers the corner of 2 blocks.
St. George's Episcopal Church: Built in 1849, it's an example of the Romanesque Revival style of architecture popular at the time. George Washington’s family was a member of this congregation, attending services in the original church building erected in the 1730’s. During the Civil War, it was used as a hospital. The central tower and steeple are city landmarks, and the clock in the tower was set in place in 1851 by the City of Fredericksburg, which is still responsible for its maintenance.
Fredericksburg Presbyterian Church: This Greek Revival style church was built in 1833 and is one of the two oldest churches in Fredericksburg. The building was severely damaged during the Civil War, and the church bell was given to the Confederacy to be melted down for cannons. The church was used as a Federal hospital and Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, worked here, nursing thousands of soldiers brought here from the Battle of Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse.

Fredericksburg Methodist Church: This building was erected in 1882, and is an example of Victorian Gothic style.

Here is my church, The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg. Built in 1833, it's tied for the title of the oldest church in Fredericksburg. It was originally home to the First Christian Church of Fredericksburg, and during its long and varied history, it has served as a field hospital (surprise!), a warehouse, a school, and a bingo hall.