Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wedding Weekend

We took an extra long weekend to travel to upstate New York, together with our grown kids, for the wedding of a nephew. Between the rehearsal dinner and wedding reception, and the pre- and post-event gatherings, the weekend was a wonderful family reunion.

The wedding ceremony, on Saturday, May 23, was held outdoors at a beautiful park in Albany. Everyone was nervous about the weather, but it turned out to be a wonderful day.

On the day before the wedding, a group of us strolled around downtown Saratoga Springs:

We stopped at Congress Park to ride the carousel, as always, because we're all big kids at heart, and it's only 50 cents a ride:

The braver among us sampled some of the springs around town. The one below is the Hathorn Spring, which was discovered in 1866 and is supposed to have curative properties. It also has that delightful rotten egg smell. I didn’t try it, although I met a man at the fountain who said he had been drinking it nearly every day for 25 years, and he looked in pretty good shape, assuming he was in his 70’s. If he was in his 40’s, then it’s definitely not working.

Congress Spring, a less vile vintage:

We played around in front of Ben & Jerry's...

but passed up that ice cream (which you can get everywhere now, including Fredericksburg) for the gelato at Eugenio's Cafe Gelato, where I sampled the mocha cappucino and the bacio-chocolate hazelnut. Excellent!

Much of the weekend entertainment was provided by this little guy, the family's youngest member. I could watch him toddle around for hours:

We spent the day after the wedding relaxing in my mother's backyard, eating mass quantities of food. Our family tries hard not to go more than about an hour between meals. Here was our Sunday afternoon feast of antipasto, eggplant parmagiana, ravioli and meatballs:

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